Friday, March 8, 2024

Vegetables to plant in March

March is an excellent time to start planting vegetables in your garden. The weather is starting to warm up, and the soil is beginning to thaw, making it an ideal time to get your hands dirty and start planting. Here are some vegetables that are perfect for planting in March.

  1. Peas - Peas are a cool-season crop that can be planted as early as March. They grow quickly and produce a bountiful harvest. Peas prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Make sure to plant them in an area that receives plenty of sunlight and keep the soil moist.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Growing potatoes is much easier than you might think

Potatoes are a staple food for millions of people around the world. They are versatile, nutritious, and easy to grow, making them a popular choice for backyard gardeners and farmers alike. If you are interested in planting potatoes, here is everything you need to know to get started.

Choosing the Right Seed Potatoes