Friday, June 30, 2023

The Benefits of Using Mulch In Your Garden

Mulch is a layer of organic or inorganic material that is spread on the soil surface in the garden. Mulching has numerous benefits for the garden, including improved soil fertility, reduced weed growth, water conservation, and enhanced plant health. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the benefits of mulching in the garden.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Summer Fruit Salad



  1. In a large bowl, combine the berries, melon, and mint.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the honey and lemon juice.
  3. Pour the honey-lemon dressing over the fruit salad and toss to coat.
  4. Serve immediately or chill for later.


  • For a more tart salad, add an extra tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • For a sweeter salad, add an extra tablespoon of honey.
  • If you don't have fresh mint, you can use 1 teaspoon of dried mint.
  • You can also add other fruits to the salad, such as kiwi, pineapple, or peaches.


Friday, June 23, 2023

Creating a Haven: How to Start a Hummingbird Garden

Hummingbirds are tiny creatures with an enchanting presence. Their iridescent feathers, incredible speed, and graceful flight make them a beloved sight in any garden. If you're interested in attracting these fascinating birds to your outdoor space, why not consider starting a hummingbird garden? A hummingbird garden can be a haven for these delicate creatures, providing them with a source of food, shelter, and nesting spots. In this article, we will explore how to start a hummingbird garden and create a thriving habitat that will attract and sustain these beautiful birds.

Selecting the Right Location

The first step in starting a hummingbird garden is selecting the right location. Hummingbirds are attracted to gardens that provide them with a variety of food sources, including nectar-rich flowers, insects, and spiders for protein, and suitable nesting spots. Ideally, your hummingbird garden should be located in a spot that receives partial sunlight, as hummingbirds prefer areas with a mix of sun and shade. If possible, choose a location that is sheltered from strong winds, as hummingbirds are small and delicate and can struggle to fly in gusty conditions.

Choosing the Right Plants

The key to a successful hummingbird garden is selecting the right plants. Hummingbirds are primarily attracted to brightly colored, tubular flowers that are rich in nectar. Some popular choices for a hummingbird garden include trumpet vine, salvia, bee balm, fuchsia, and columbine. These flowers come in a variety of colors, such as red, orange, and pink, which are particularly appealing to hummingbirds. It's important to choose a mix of early, mid, and late-season blooming flowers to provide a continuous food source for hummingbirds throughout the year.

In addition to nectar-rich flowers, hummingbirds also need a source of protein, which they obtain from insects and spiders. Avoid using pesticides in your hummingbird garden, as these can harm the insects and spiders that hummingbirds rely on for food. Instead, encourage natural predators such as ladybugs and praying mantises to help control pests in your garden.

Creating Shelter and Nesting Spots

Hummingbirds also need shelter and nesting spots in a hummingbird garden. These birds are known for building small, cup-shaped nests made of plant material, such as moss, lichen, and spiderwebs. They usually place their nests on tree branches or other structures that provide protection from the elements and potential predators. You can provide suitable nesting spots for hummingbirds by placing small trees or shrubs in your garden or by hanging up small baskets or nest boxes.

Maintaining Your Hummingbird Garden

Once your hummingbird garden is established, it's important to maintain it to ensure a healthy habitat for these birds. Regular watering, weeding, and pruning are necessary to keep your garden in good condition. Deadhead flowers to encourage more blooms and remove any diseased or dead plants promptly to prevent the spread of diseases. It's also essential to keep your hummingbird feeders clean and filled with fresh nectar, especially during dry spells or when flowers are not in bloom.

Observing and Enjoying Hummingbirds

One of the joys of having a hummingbird garden is the opportunity to observe these tiny birds up close. Set up a comfortable seating area near your hummingbird garden so that you can watch these fascinating creatures as they feed, fly, and interact with each other. Keep a pair of binoculars handy for a closer look, and consider keeping a journal to record your observations and learn more about the behavior and habits of hummingbirds.


Starting a hummingbird garden can be a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. By providing a haven for these delicate creatures, you can enjoy their beauty and grace while contributing to their

Monday, June 19, 2023

Tomatillo Salsa Verde


  • 1 pound tomatillos, husked and rinsed
  • 1-2 jalapeño peppers (depending on desired spice level), stems removed
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Juice of 1 lime


Friday, June 16, 2023

Tomatoes and their Uses in the Kitchen


  1. Roma Tomatoes: These are often used in making sauces, soups, and purees. They have a thick and meaty flesh with fewer seeds.

  2. Cherry Tomatoes: These are small, sweet tomatoes that can be eaten raw as a snack or added to salads, pizzas, and pasta dishes.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Fully Loaded Baked Potatoes



  • 4 large potatoes (such as Russet or Yukon Gold)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup cooked and crumbled bacon
  • 1/4 cup chopped chives or green onions
  • Optional additional toppings: butter, diced tomatoes, jalapenos, salsa, guacamole, etc.

Friday, June 9, 2023

The Benefits of Having a Water Feature In Your Garden

A water feature in your garden can be a beautiful and peaceful addition that can enhance the aesthetic appeal and ambiance of your outdoor living space. Whether you are looking to create a serene retreat, a focal point or just add a touch of elegance to your landscape, there are many benefits to having a water feature in your garden.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Roasted Garlic Chicken


4 bone-in chicken thighs

1 head of garlic

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon dried thyme

Friday, June 2, 2023

State Fair Zinnias will add a pop to your garden

State Fair Zinnias are a popular and versatile annual flower that are widely grown for their stunning colors, long bloom time, and ease of cultivation. These hardy and resilient plants are a favorite of gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike, and can be found in a wide range of garden settings, from formal gardens and beds to informal wildflower meadows.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Growing pumpkins

Pumpkins are a beloved autumn staple, famous for their cheerful orange color, delicious flavor, and versatility in the kitchen. Whether you want to carve them for Halloween, make pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, or simply enjoy their beauty in your garden, growing pumpkins is a fun and rewarding experience that anyone can try. In this article, we will guide you through the basics of growing pumpkins and share some tips for a bountiful harvest.

  1. Choose the right pumpkin variety

Pumpkins come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, so it's important to choose the right variety for your needs. Some common pumpkin varieties include: