Monday, June 1, 2020

June Gardening

The heat of summer is just around the corner and it is a good idea to check you sprinkler and drip systems for leaks or malfunctions.  If you use battery operated timers make sure you change the batteries once a year.  It is a good idea to check the system before you go on vacation too.  You don’t want to return home to a dead garden.  Well-tended gardens are a sign that people are present, making your home less inviting to thieves. 
Do you find leaves in your flower beds being torn and ripped away?  If the damage happens at night the most likely corrupts are snail, slug, and earwigs.  If the damage happens in the day time, you probably have birds, finches stealing your leaves.  Finches use the leaves, especially soft ones, to line their nests.  The leaves of black-eyed susans, Echinacea, and lamb’s ear are their favorites, but they will go for others too.  Hanging old CD’s and scare tape can help but there is little else you can do. 

If you haven’t established a mowing routine now is the time.  Ideally you should be mowing your lawn at least once a week.  This will help sun get to all parts of the grass blades and help fight weeds.  I have heard it said that you should mow every three days but who has the time for that?
Fruit Trees
Fruit trees have begun to set their fruit for the summer.  Apple, pear, peaches, and plum trees can become so loaded with fruit that the weight can break tree limbs.  This is an excellent time to thin your fruit crop.  This can be one of the most difficult jobs to do, you are literally throwing away food, but neglecting to do this can cause much more damage as the fruit gets bigger.   Ideally you want to leave a gap of four to five inches between fruit.  Use your fist as an easy point of measurement.  Throw excess fruit into the compost bin so that it does not go completely to waste.  If your trees are light on fruit they may put their energy into growth.  Keep your trees in check with regular pruning, especially those water sprouts.
Father’s Day
Father’s day is around the corner, nothing is better than a new tool for Dad to use.  Try something different, a gadget or something he has been wanting for a while but just hasn’t bought himself.  Maybe you can offer to mow the lawn for the month, weed the garden, or just volunteer to help out. 

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